Can't Start a Fire Without a Spark.

Spark Sessions are perfect for those who are looking for clarity, help, and a breakthrough in one specific area- now.

Spark your next breakthrough for Creative Entrepreneurs & Multi-hyphenate Artists to navigate out of the messy middle and have clarity on their next big steps.

In one session or audit, you will uncover blocks, get specifics on your business or career's next steps, and spark a breakthrough needed to get you on your way to the next level. 

Through a 1:1 video session or custom-recorded audit, you will have the steps to take action on and a clear vision of what's coming next to increase your mental strength, get better-fit leads, make your brand stand out, or overcome blocks holding you back from transitioning into your next career expansion.


Spark Sessions:

💥 SPARK 90
A 90-minute 1:1 session to dig into mindset breakthroughs, next-step strategy, and deep dives.

--> A SPARK 90 client example: we built out a whole new stream of revenue for her, and, better-aligned her current business for the new clients she wants.

A 30-minute 1:1 session to hyper-target one breakthrough to get you clarity & next steps on a subject of your choice.

--> A SPARK BREAKTHROUGH client example: we got them to overcome a major block they spent FIVE YEARS stuck under.

A recorded audit of your WEBSITE, brand uniqueness, MARKETING messaging, ALIGNED CLIENT ATTRACTION, and SEO MISSED OPPORTUNITIES.

--> A SPARK Audit client example: she implemented the changes and started booking better-fit clients more easily and at raised prices.